BoostUp supports many roles when it comes to the platform, but the most common roles used are- 'AE', 'Sales Manager', and 'Sales Ops'. There are other roles that can be displayed within the hierarchy (CSM, BDR, Account Manager, etc); but need to be escalated to your CSM to enable these.
The client can apply 'user profiles' to distinguish what can and cannot be seen by a specific persona (e.g. AE's may need to only have access to certain tabs and only certain columns vs. what managers need access to from both a process and visibility perspective).
Role Description(s):
Sales Ops- allows the client to have access to all tabs within the platform; visibility to the entire hierarchy. Access to user management, modifying and configuring user profiles, managing 'sales process', as well as topics and competitors. Sales Ops has access to specific settings in the platform; due to having 'master access'- we suggest only 3-4 people having the Sales Ops role.
Account Executive- AE's have specific access to the platform; they can only see their deals and their deals only. AE's have the ability to set their own filters on each tab and 'save views', so that they can easily drill down into certain opportunities- dependent on where they are at in the sales cycle.
Sales Managers- has visibility into their team and their opportunities only. The hierarchy (within the rollups tab) will only showcase their direct reports. Each tab in the platform will then surface information that only pertains to that manager's team. Having a direct view into the activity that has or hasn't occurred on the opportunity allows for strategic and meaningful conversations to take place- in an effort to promote significant movement of the opportunity.
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