How is the BoostUp Projection calculated?
BoostUp projection at the current day/time is computed using the below two rates along with the existing pipeline and new pipeline values:
1. Historical existing pipeline conversion rate: These historical versions of fields allow us to build a picture of the “Open Deals” at the beginning of any quarter in the past. In addition, Boostup also knows which of these deals actually closed by the end of the quarter. This allows us to compute an “Existing pipeline conversion rate” for each sales rep and manager.
2. Historical new pipeline creation and conversion rate: In addition, Boostup also knows which deals were added to the pipeline after a quarter started, and which of those deals actually closed by the end of the quarter. This allows us to compute a “New pipeline conversion creation and conversion rate” for each sales rep and manager. The existing pipeline and new pipeline conversion rates are computed for several past quarters, and an average rate is computed across all quarters. The existing pipeline and new pipeline conversion rates are computed for several past quarters, and an average rate is computed across all quarters.
*If there's any questions around the Boostup projection model, please contact your CSM directly.
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