Below are instructions on how to connect your email and calendar with BoostUp and how to troubleshoot the most common issues that may arise with your users.
In this article:
- Sign Up to BoostUp
- Google Workspace Connectivity Instructions
- Microsoft Outlook Connectivity Instructions
- Troubleshooting Sync Issues
- Troubleshooting – Google Workspace
- Troubleshooting – Microsoft Outlook
Sign Up to BoostUp
First, you need to make sure you have already signed up for a user account in BoostUp if you haven't already. You can follow these sign-up instructions to create your first user account with BoostUp.
Google Workspace Connectivity Instructions
Step 1: Setting up your Organizational Unit or Group in your Google Workspace Domain.
The BoostUp App can be installed for your entire Workspace domain or can be installed for a restricted set of users in your domain. When the BoostUp App is installed for a restricted set of users, BoostUp will have access to the data for those users only.
This access can be restricted in one of two standard ways:
- Via Groups – see instructions.
- Via Organizational Units – see instructions.
As a best practice, we recommend to create a group to hold all the users who need to be provisioned. Groups are easier to manage and update over time than Organizational Units.
Before installing the BoostUp App in your Workspace, make a list of all the users you would want to provision in BoostUp. Then, based on your Workspace structure and your needs, either create a separate group or a separate organizational unit to hold these users.
Step 2: Install the BoostUp App in your Google Workspace Domain.
The steps to install the BoostUp App are:
- Navigate to Google Workspace Marketplace (as an administrator)
- Search for "BoostUp" and click on the BoostUp App to start the installation process.
- Click on “Admin Install” to install the app for your domain – you need to be logged in as a Google Workspace Administrator for this option to show.
- If your Google Workspace domain settings do not allow marketplace apps to be installed, you will need to first add the BoostUp App to the “Allow List” of Marketplace apps. Navigate to the Google Workspace Allow List settings to do that first.
- Then review the permissions for the App and select the option to install the App for a specific Group or Organizational Unit, depending on your setup.
- Alternatively, you can choose to install the App for the entire domain.
- Select the Group or Organizational Unit and click Finish to complete installing the App.
Microsoft Outlook Connectivity Instructions
Step 1: Grant BoostUp Application level access to your Azure tenant.
Note that your Azure admin has to execute these steps.
- Log into the Azure Admin portal and navigate to Azure Active Directory.
Search for "BoostUp" and open BoostUp's console view.
Note that if no user in the organization is signed up with BoostUp, the app will not show. If so, please go back to the sign-up instructions.
Click on "Permissions" to open the permissions screen.
Click on the "Grant Admin Consent" button.
Follow the prompts to grant access.
Wait 30 seconds, refresh the page, and verify that the permissions have been granted successfully.
Copy the TenantID for your organization from the Azure AD home page. Send the TenantID to BoostUp.
Here's a short video that shows the step by step process to enable Application level access to BoostUp.
Step 2: Restrict access to specific users.
To restrict access so that BoostUp can only access the inboxes for a subset of users, you need to define an Application Access Policy (described in detail here). It works as follows:
- Create an AD group, and add the users whose data you would like BoostUp to sync to this group.
- Start a PowerShell session and connect to your tenant by following these instructions.
- Run the following cmdlet to limit permissions to the AD group:
New-ApplicationAccessPolicy -AppId <BoostUp-App-ID> `
-PolicyScopeGroupId <AD-Group-Email-ID> `
-AccessRight RestrictAccess `
-Description "Restrict this app to members of the distribution group"
- At this point, BoostUp will only have permissions to access Email and Calendar data for the chosen subset of users.
Troubleshooting Sync Issues
Ensuring that BoostUp can access your user's email and calendar data is critical to provide accurate engagement scores as well as correct activity matchings.
Below are instructions to ensure that email and calendar access is successfully granted to BoostUp, or how to disable it if not needed for a particular user.
Troubleshooting – BoostUp
The following steps are for users who should not have their email or calendar synced to BoostUp.
If instead you wish to continue having these users email or calendar items synced, please jump to the following sections to troubleshoot accordingly:
• Disabling a BoostUp user email and calendar sync:
- In the BoostUp App go to Settings > Company Settings > Manage Users > Search and look for the users that have should have their email or calendar sync turned off.
- Click on the pencil icon in the Actions column to edit the User details
- Toggle OFF the email or calendar sync options if they shouldn't be synced for that user.
- And that's it; the users email/calendar sync won't be checked anymore.
Troubleshooting – Google Workspace
To ensure BoostUp has access to your Google email and calendar data, please review and confirm the following:
1. List of users added to the group.
Grant BoostUp access to email/calendar data by creating a group with specific users and then installing the BoostUp app to allow access only to users from that specific group. To do this you can follow our recommended steps here: Google Workspace Connectivity Instructions
- To Confirm that all BoostUp users are added that group, provide us with a .csv file of all members added to it by going to Google Admin > Directory > Groups > BoostUp Users Group > Members > Download Members > CSV:
- This will allow BoostUp to compare your list with your BoostUp users and confirm they are added to the group.
2. Allow access to the installed BoostUp App from Google Workspace Marketplace:
- User Access needs to be ON for the group:
- Allowlist Access needs to be Allowed for the group:
- Data Access:
- OAuth Scopes need to be Granted access for all the Google service APIs (OAuth scopes) that BoostUp App is requesting:
- OAuth Clients need to be Granted for all the OAuth Clients that BoostUp App is requesting:
- You can also Grant/Revoke all access at once, to reset those permissions:
- OAuth Scopes need to be Granted access for all the Google service APIs (OAuth scopes) that BoostUp App is requesting:
3. Additional help:
These steps should set the ground to ensure that your email and calendar sync is working properly. However, please let us know if you have any further questions by contacting your CSM, or submitting a support request here and providing the requested data:
- CSV File with authorized users from your group.
- Screenshots of all the granted access and permissions.
Troubleshooting – Microsoft Outlook
To ensure BoostUp has access to your Outlook email and calendar data, please review and confirm the following:
1. Permissions granted to the BoostUp App
In your Microsoft Admin Center, go to Dashboard > Enterprise Applications > BoostUp > Permissions and click on the "Grant Admin Consent" button, then follow the prompts so that all permissions are granted for the BoostUp App.
2. Make sure all the required users or groups are added to the BoostUp App:
In your Microsoft Admin Center, go to Dashboard > BoostUp > Users and groups > Add user/group and review the currently added users. Make sure to add those users who may still be missing:
3. Make sure all users are added to your group:
If you created a group of users to restrict who should have access to the BoostUp app, please review and confirm they are added by going to your Microsoft Admin Center > Dashboard > BoostUp > Users and Groups > Your group and making sure the users are added accordingly.
4. Additional help:
These steps should set the ground to ensure that your email and calendar sync is working properly. However, please let us know if you have any further questions by contacting your CSM, or submitting a support request here and providing:
- Screenshots of the users correctly added to your group.
- Screenshots of the users added to the BoostUp App in your Microsoft Admin Center.
- Screenshot of the permission granted to the BoostUp app.
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