Opportunities List View
- See a tab for each Business Type (Overall, New Business, etc)
- See the list of Opportunities for the logged in user.
- Opportunities are limited to those that satisfy the default setting of filters on the web-app. This is usually restricted to Opportunities closing in the Current Quarter that are in an open stage.
- Sort options
- The App allows sorting by name,close date, amount and risk score, both ascending and descending sort.
- Display options
- The list of fields displayed for each opportunity can be configured. The configuration is managed on the web app..
Opportunity Detail View
- Select a specific Opportunity to see the details for the Opportunity.
- The list of fields displayed in the opportunity detail view can be configured. The configuration is managed on the web app.
Editable Fields
- Specific fields on the Opportunity can be updated by the user. The updates are pushed to SFDC immediately.
- Updating Next Steps
- The next steps tab is populated with the next step field from the Opportunity. Updating this field pushes the update back to SFDC just like any other field.
- The list of editable fields is managed in the web app.
- Change arrows
- Based on the direction of change (positive or negative), change arrows will display when the fields are edited. For example, if amount increased, it will show a ↗ arrow with a green color, and if amount decreased, it will show a ↙ arrow with red color.
Forecast Submissions
- Select a specific Forecast Submission based on a specific Business Type
- The amount of the forecast submission, along with the note field will be displayed for each
- You will be allowed to not only make new forecast submissions, but also display all of the historical submissions
Editable Fields
- Both Amount and Additional Notes will be editable
- Historical amount and notes submitted will be displayed above the submit button, as shown in the pictures above
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