Getting Started
Mobile Settings (Settings within the Web App)
Allow Mobile Login (Settings → [Boostup Admin] Features)
Hide Mobile Forecast Submissions (Settings → [Mobile Settings] Features)
- Table Column Configuration
To change the column configuration for all users within a company, you will need to go to Settings → Manage Table Columns → OpportunityTables, and scroll to the bottom where you will see Mobile Opportunity List and Mobile Opportunity Detail View.
If you would like to change a specific user profile’s configuration, you can do so by going to Settings → User Profiles → Select the Edit Icon for Whatever User Profile → Columns → OpportunityTables, and scroll to the bottom where you will see Mobile Opportunity List and Mobile Opportunity Detail View.
In either case you can add or remove whichever columns you wish to edit. One column must always remain under each configuration, as the mobile app expects to display at least one column in the UI
To configure which fields will appear in the mobile app on the main opportunity list screen, you will add and remove columns displayed under Mobile Opportunity List:
For all fields displayed under each opportunity on the detail page, you will need to make changes to Mobile Opportunity Detail View.
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